История моды. С 1850-х годов до наших дней - Дэниел Джеймс Коул

История моды. С 1850-х годов до наших дней - Дэниел Джеймс Коул

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Аудиокнига "История моды. С 1850-х годов до наших дней"

👗 В аудиокниге "История моды. С 1850-х годов до наших дней" автора Дэниела Джеймса Коула рассказывается о захватывающем путешествии сквозь эволюцию моды начиная с середины XIX века и до современности. Слушатель погружается в мир тканей, фасонов, исторических событий и культурных тенденций, которые сформировали то, как мы одеваемся сегодня.

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English Costume for Sports and Outdoor Recreation. New York: Barnes and Noble, 1970.

David, Alison Matthews and Elizabeth Semmelhack. Fashion Victims: The Pleasures and Perils of Dress in the 19th Century (exhibition catalogue). Toronto: Bata Shoe Museum, 2014.

Woolson, Abba Goold (ed.) Dress-Reform: A Series of Lectures Delivered in Boston, on Dress as it Affects the Health of Women. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1874.

Ferry, John William. A History of the Department Store. New York: Macmillan, 1960.

Goldthorpe, Caroline. From Queen to Empress: Victorian Dress 1837–1877. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1989.

Harvey, John. Men in Black. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995.

Hollander, Anne. «When Mr. Worth was King», Connoisseur, December 1982, 114–120.

Hume, Sara Elisabeth. Charles Frederick Worth: A Study in the Relationship between the Parisian Fashion Industry and the Lyonnais Silk Industry 1858–1889 (MA Thesis), SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology, New York, 2003.

Johnston, Lucy. Nineteenth Century Fashion in Detail, London: V&A Publications, 2005.

Lambert, Miles. Fashion in Photographs 1860–1880. London: B. T. Batsford, 1991.

Lebrecht, Norman. Who Killed Classical Music? New York: Birch Lane Press, 1997.

Levitt, Sarah. Fashion in Photographs 1880–1900. London: B. T. Batsford, 1991.

von Metternich-Winnenberg, Pauline. My Years in Paris. London: E. Nash & Grayson, Ltd., 1922.

Ribeiro, Aileen. «Fashion in the Work of Winterhalter», in Franz Xaver Winterhalter and the Courts of Europe (ed. Richard Ormond and Carol Blackett-Ord). London; New York: National Portrait Gallery; Harry Abrams, 1992.

–. Ingres in Fashion: Representations of Dress and Appearance in Ingres’ Images of Women. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1999.

Robar, Stephen F. Frances Clara Folsom Cleveland. New York: Nova History Publications, 2004.

Severa, Joan L. Dressed for the Photographer: Ordinary Americans & Fashion, 1840–1900. Kent: Kent State University, 1995.

Taylor, Lou. «Wool cloth and gender: the use of woolen cloth in women’s dress in Britain, 1865–85» in Amy de la Haye and Elizabeth Wilson (eds.), Defining Dress: Dress as object, meaning and identity. Manchester: Manchester University Dress, 1999.

Waugh, Norah. Corsets and Crinolines. London: Routledge, 1954.

1890-е годы

Font, Lourdes. «International couture: The opportunities and challenges of expansion, 1880–1920.» Business History, 54:1, 2012, 30–47.

Jowett, George F. «Eugene Sandow», Strength, March 1927.

Bernhardt, Sarah. My Double Life: The Memoirs of Sarah Bernhardt, London: Heinemann, 1907.

Blainey, Ann. Marvelous Melba: The Extraordinary Life of a Great Diva. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 2009

Ockman, Carol and Kenneth E. Silver. Sarah Bernhardt: The Art of High Drama. New York: Jewish Museum, 2005.

Parry, Albert. Tattoo: Secrets of a Strange Art. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1933.

Vincent, W. D. F. The Cutters’ Practical Guide to Cutting Every Kind of Garment Made by Tailors with copious hints on their production. London: The John Williamson Company, 1889.

1900-е годы

Lees, Frederick. «The Evolution of Paris Fashions: An Enquiry», Pall Mall Magazine, 1903, 113–122.

Mendes, Valerie and Amy de la Haye. Lucile Ltd: London, Paris, New York and Chicago 1890s –1930s. London: V& A Publications, 2009.

Ewing, Elizabeth. Fur in Dress. London: Harper Collins, 1981.

Exposition universelle internationale de 1900 — Les toilettes de la Collectivité de la couture. Paris: Société de publications d’art, 1900.

Fletcher, Ella Adelia. The Woman Beautiful: A Practical Treatise on the Development and Preservation of Woman’s Health and Beatuty, and the Principles of Taste in Dress. New York: Brentano’s, 1901.

1910-е годы

Bass-Krueger, Maude. «From the ‘union parfaite’ to the ‘union brisée’: The French Couture Industry and the midinettes during the Great War.» Costume, 47:1, 2013.

Burbank, Emily. Woman as Decoration. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1917.

Golden, Eve. Vamp: The Rise and Fall of Theda Bara. New York: Vestal Press, 1998.

Howarth, Stephen. Henry Poole: Founders of Savile Row. London: Bene Factum Publishing, 2003.

Martin, Richard. Fundamental Icon: J. C. Leyendecker’s Male Underwear Imagery, Textile & Text, 15:1, 1992.

Palais Galliera. Europe: 1910–1939, Quand l’art habillait le vêtement. Paris: Paris-Musées, 1997.

1920-е годы

Battersby, Martin. The Decorative Twenties, London: Herbert Press, 1988.

Churchill, Allen. The Theatrical Twenties. New York: McGraw Hill, 1975.

Ginsburg, Madeleine. Paris Fashion: The Art Deco Style of the 1920s. New York: Gallery Books, 1989.

Lipmann, Anthony. Divinely Elegant: The World of Ernst Dryden, London: Pavilion Books in association with Michael Joseph, 1989.

Morano, Elizabeth. Sonia Delaunay: Art into Fashion. New York: G. Braziller, 1986.

Scruggs-Seaman, Margo. The Formation of a Distinctive Style: Childrenswear 1895–1925. Master of Arts Thesis, SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology, 1993.

Shapiro, Suzanne. Nails: The Story of the Modern Manicure. New York: Prestel USA, 2014.

Steele, Valerie. Fashioning the Modern Woman: The Art of the Couturière, 1919–1939 (exhibition brochure). New York: The Museum at FIT, 2004

1930-е годы

Battersby, Martin. The Decorative Thirties. New York: Whitney Library of Design, 1988.

Blum, Stella. Everyday Fashions of the Thirties as Pictured in Sears Catalogs. New York: Dover Publications, 1986.

Brawley, Sean and Chris Dixon. Hollywood’s South Seas and the Pacific War: Searching for Dorothy Lamour. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.

Crosbie, Lynn. Dorothy L’Amour. Toronto: Harper Flamingo Canada, 1999.

Drake, James A. and Kristin Beall Ludecke. Lily Pons: A Centennial Portrait. Milwaukee, WI, Amadeus Press: 2003.

Hawes, Elizabeth. Fashion is Spinach. New York: Random House, 1938.

Hodges, Graham Russell. Anna May Wong: From Laundryman’s Daughter to Hollywood Legend. New York: Palgrave McMillan, 2004.

Leibfried, Philip and Chei Mi Lane. Anna May Wong: A Complete Guide to Her Film, Stage, Radio and Television Work. Jefferson, N. C.: McFarland, 2004.

Martin, Richard and Harold Koda, «Jockey: The Invention of the Classic Brief», Textile & Text, 15:2, 1992.

Windsor, Edward, Duke of. A Family Album. London: Cassell, 1960.

1940-е годы

Amies, Hardy. Just So Far. London: Collins, 1954.

Daoust, Robert. Fashion or ration: Hartnell, Amies and dressing for the Blitz. http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/podcasts/fashion-or-ration.htm.

Dower, John W. and Jacqueline M. Atkins. Wearing Propaganda: Textiles on the Home Front in Japan, Britain, and the United States, 1931–1945. New Haven, Conn.: Published for the Bard Graduate Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts, Design and Culture by Yale University Press, 2005.

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Guenther, Irene. Nazi Chic?: fashioning women in the Third Reich. Oxford; New York: Berg, 2004.

Paulicelli, Eugenia. Fashion under Fascism, Beyond the Black Shirt. Oxford and

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