Can You Speak Over the Telephone. Как вести беседу по телефону - Т. Шелкова
- Дата:20.07.2024
- Категория: Научные и научно-популярные книги / Языкознание
- Название: Can You Speak Over the Telephone. Как вести беседу по телефону
- Автор: Т. Шелкова
- Просмотров:2
- Комментариев:0
There seems to be some interruption (interference) in our connection with Chicago. Вероятно, прервалась связь с Чикаго.
I’ll call you back as soon as there is another circuit open. Я вам позвоню, как только освободится другая линия.
I’ll ring you as soon as I have your party again. Я позвоню вам, как только ответит ваш номер.
18. I can’t get through. Я не могу дозвониться.
Go ahead, please. Говорите, пожалуйста.
The Most Common Words Used When Spelling Names on the PhoneA — APPLE
EXERCISESI. Read the flashes of telephone conversations and pay attention to telephone phrases.
II. Rehearse these dialogues in pairs.
III. Find equivalents in these dialogues for the following sentences.
1. Говорит Суриков. 2. Соединяю. 3. Говорит Иванов. 4. Вы не могли бы соединить меня с г-ном Соколовым? 5. Номер занят. 6. Г-н Джоунз разговаривает по другому телефону. 7. Извините, что я заставил вас ждать. 8. Г-на Иванова сейчас нет. 9. Подождите минутку, пожалуйста. 10. Я позвоню еще раз позже. 11. Его номер не отвечает. 12. Добавочный, пожалуйста. 13. Добавочный 32, пожалуйста. 14. Занят. 15. Вы ошиблись номером. 16. Простите за беспокойство. 17. Здесь нет никого по фамилии Смит. 18. Извините за беспокойство. 19. Вы меня слышите? 20. Все время появляется какой-то шум. 21. Мы почти не слышали друг друга. 22. Нас разъединили. 23. Я хочу заказать разговор с Москвой на 9 часов вечера. 24. Вы хотите вызвать определенное лицо? 25. Вы заказываете разговор в кредит? 26. Я вам позвоню, как только ответит ваш номер. 27. Я не могу дозвониться. 28. Говорите, пожалуйста.
IV. Fill in the missing remarks.
1. A: May I speak with Mr Bell?
B: …
A: Could I leave a message for him?
B: …
2. A: Is this 347-5166?
B: …
A: This is Buchnev from the USSR Embassy.
B: …
3. A: Messrs. Smith O Son Ltd. Good morning.
B: …
A: Sorry. The line is busy.
4. A: Sorry. Mr Foot is on the other line. Will you hold on, please?
B: …
5. A: …
B: I’ll call back later.
6. A: Sorry to have kept you waiting. Now I’m putting you through.
B: …
7. A: Is there any message?
8. A: …
B: Hold on, please. I’ll see if he is in.
9. A: Sorry. Mr Bradley is not available. Would you like to leave a message?
B: …
10. A: Sorry. There is no reply at his number.
11. A: May I have extension 75, please?
B: …
A: Well, yes, if it doesn’t take too long.
12. A: I’m sorry. I didn’t catch your name. Will you spell it, please.
B: …
13. A: You’ve got the wrong number.
B: …
A: That’s all right.
14. A: …
B: This is 520-4824. But there is no one by the name of Scott here.
15. A: Hello, hello… I can’t hear what you are saying.
B: …
16. A: Operator, I’ve been disconnected with my caller. Could you help me?
O: …
17. A: I want to place a call at Leningrad.
O: …
A: 274-20-18.
O: Is it a credit card call?
A: …
18. O: Would you like to make a person-to-person call?
A: …
19. O: Will you accept a collect call from Mr Dowden?
A: …
20. A: There appears to be some interference in our connection with Moscow. Could you do anything about it?
O: …
V. Spell the names on the phone.
Костиков, Рязанов, Орлов, Ордынский, Соловьев, Бардин, Соколов, Иванов, Дарский, Кружковский, Петров, Бучнев.
1. Making an AppointmentSecretary: Two-four-nine; double eight-double two.
Mr Ivanov: I would like to make an appointment with Mr Jeffries. This is Mr Ivanov speaking.
Secretary: Oh, yes, Mr Ivanov. Good morning. I’ll get his schedule. Are you there?
Mr Ivanov: Yes.
Secretary: When would you like to come, Mr Ivanov?
Mr Ivanov: Tomorrow, if possible.
Secretary: I’m afraid he’s tied up tomorrow. Is it urgent? If it is, perhaps we could fit you in somewhere.
Mr Ivanov: No, it isn’t that urgent. Is the day after tomorrow possible?
Secretary: What time would you like to come?
Mr Ivanov: As late as possible in the afternoon.
Secretary: I’m sorry, that afternoon’s full too. How is Friday afternoon at five?
Mr Ivanov: Yes, that’s perfect, thank you. Good-bye.
2. Making an AppointmentMr Zonov: Hello. Is this Mr Summerset? This is Mr Zonov speaking.
Mr Summerset: Hello. How are you?
Mr Zonov: Fine, thanks. Pretty busy. How are you, Mr Summerset?
Mr Summerset: O.K. I can’t complain.
Mr Zonov: Glad to hear that. There is something I’d like to talk to you about. Can we meet early next week?
Mr Summerset: Sure, with pleasure.
Mr Zonov: Could you come in my office, say, on Monday afternoon?
Mr Summerset: Let me consult my schedule. Yes, I guess it’ll be all right. What time do you suggest?
Mr Zonov: Suppose we make it 3.30. Will it suit you?
Mr Summerset: Yes, that’s fine.
3. Making an Appointment with a SecretaryMr Petrov: Hello. May I speak to Mr Ward, please?
Mr Ward: Speaking. Who is it, please?
Mr Petrov: Good morning, Mr Ward. This is Petrov, Mr Gromov’s assistant. Mr Gromov had to fly to Chicago on urgent business last night. He could not see you personally and so he asked me to get in touch with you instead and settle the matter you discussed.
Mr Ward: Sure, Mr Petrov. I’ll tell you what. Could you come over to my office, say, about 4 o’clock? Mr Petrov: Yes, that’s fine for me, Mr Ward. I’ll be there.
Mr Ward: O.K., I’ll be expecting you. And I can give you a ride afterwards.
4. Appointment with a DoctorMr Nikolaev: Is that Dr Morton’s office?
Secretary: Yes, sir.
Mr Nikolaev: This is Nikolaev speaking. Could I have an appointment with the doctor in the middle of next week, please?
Secretary: Just a minute, sir: I’ll check his schedule. Will Wednesday be all right?
Mr Nikolaev: Yes, it’s fine. What time, please?
Secretary: Wednesday, at 6 p.m.
Mr Nikolaev: Thank you. Good-bye.
Secretary: Thank you, sir. Good-bye.
5. Appointment with a DentistMr Nikolaev: Good morning. Could I speak to Dr Williams’ secretary, please?
Secretary: Speaking.
Mr Nikolaev: My name is Nikolaev. I would like to have an appointment with the doctor.
Secretary: Is it something urgent, sir?
Mr Nikolaev: Yes, rather. My son needs a dentist.
Secretary: I see. How old is he?
Mr Nikolaev: He is about eight.
Secretary: Can you bring him tomorrow at eleven?
Mr Nikolaev: That’s Thursday, isn’t it?
Secretary: Yes, sir.
Mr Nikolaev: That’s fine. Thank you very much.
Secretary: Good-bye.
6. Confirming an AppointmentSecretary: Hello. May I speak to Mr Smirnov, please?
Mr Smirnov: Smirnov speaking.
Secretary: Mr Smirnov, this is Mr Abbott’s secretary. I’m calling to confirm your appointment with Mr Abbott for next Friday at 4 p.m.
Mr Smirnov: Thank you. I’m looking forward to seeing Mr Abbott next Friday. Will you give him my best regards, please.
Secretary: I will. Good-bye, Mr Smirnov.
Mr Smirnov: Good-bye.
7. Being Unable to Keep an AppointmentMr Stunns: Hello. Could I speak to Mr Ivanovo secretary, please?
Secretary: Good morning. This is Mr Ivanov’s secretary.
Mr Stunns: This is Stunns, of the Ministry of Transportation. I would like to know whether Mr Ivanov has received an invitation to our Annual Meeting?
Secretary: Yes, Mr Stunns, we have received your invitation, thank you.
Mr Stunns: Is Mr Ivanov coming?
Secretary: No, Mr Stunns, he is not. I am sorry but Mr Ivanov left town and he won’t be back until next week. Haven’t you received our letter informing you that he is not attending the Meeting?
Mr Stunns: No, not yet.
Secretary: We sent it to the Department yesterday afternoon.
Mr Stunns: It’s a pity that Mr Ivanov is not able to be present at our Annual Meeting. Give him my best regards when he returns, please.
Secretary: Thank you, I will. Good-bye.
Mr Stunns: Good-bye.
8. Calling the Maintenance DepartmentM.D.: Maintenance Department.
Customer: I would like to report the fault of my phone to the operator.
M.D.: What’s wrong with it? Is it quite dead?
Customer: No, not quite. I can’t get a call through. I hear the voice on the other end of the line, but they seem not to hear me. And there is no proper buzz.
M.D.: From where are you talking now?
Customer: From my neighbour’s phone.
M.D.: Give me your neighbour’s telephone number and your own phone number, please. (Customer tells the maintenance clerk his neighbour’s and his own telephone numbers.) Thank you. I’ll get in touch with the switchboard, and call you back. (The telephone rings up in five minutes.) This is the Maintenance Department. Eight-four-two; double three-double two is out of order. We are sending a repair-man tomorrow morning. Sorry, we cannot do anything now. Good-bye.
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