В пучине бренного мира. Японское искусство и его коллекционер Сергей Китаев - Евгений Семенович Штейнер

В пучине бренного мира. Японское искусство и его коллекционер Сергей Китаев - Евгений Семенович Штейнер

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В конце XIX века европейское искусство обратило свой взгляд на восток и стало активно интересоваться эстетикой японской гравюры. Одним из первых, кто стал коллекционировать гравюры укиё-э в России, стал Сергей Китаев, военный моряк и художник-любитель. Ему удалось собрать крупнейшую в стране – а одно время считалось, что и в Европе – коллекцию японского искусства. Через несколько лет после Октябрьской революции 1917 года коллекция попала в Государственный музей изобразительных искусств имени А. С. Пушкина и никогда полностью не исследовалась и не выставлялась. Искусствовед Евгений Штейнер в своей книге рассказывает историю этого собрания, погружает читателя в историко-культурный контекст, необходимый для знакомства с гравюрами, а в качестве иллюстрации подробно комментирует избранные листы из коллекции Сергея Китаева. Евгений Штейнер – ученый-японист, доктор искусствоведения, профессор Школы востоковедения НИУ ВШЭ и ассоциированный исследователь Центра по изучению Японии Школы восточных и африканских исследований (School of Oriental and African Studies, SOAS) Лондонского университета. The book researches the life of the Russian collector of Japanese art Sergei Kitaev (1864–1927) and investigates the dramatic history of his collection of woodblock prints and paintings, which was once the largest in Russia and possibly one of the largest private collections of Japanese art in Europe. A few years after the October Revolution of 1917, the Kitaev Collection was nationalized and became part of the holdings of The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow). It has never been fully researched, cataloged, or exhibited. The author worked on the catalog of prints from this collection and found that compared with archival data, what is now kept in the Pushkin Museum is significantly different in terms of the number of artifacts and their condition. The book is devoted to the investigation of this problem. The Chapter 4 is an updated version of the text and illustrations first published as “The Kitaev Collection of Japanese Art in the Pushkin Museum: Historia Calamitatum,” in Impressions, The Journal of the Japanese Art Society of America, No. 12 (2011) (www.japaneseartsoc.org). Copyright © Japanese Art Society of America
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Muzeia Vostoka, 1918–1950 (Materials for the history of the State Museum of the Orient, 1918–1950) (Moscow: Skanrus, 2003), 58.


The 2008 Pushkin Catalogue, vol. 2, 540. See Kitaev’s letter to Pavlinov, Aug. 20, 1916.


The 2008 Pushkin Catalogue, vol. 2, 532.


“Iaponskie kartinki bystrotechnogo mira i ikh evropeiskie sobirateli i obozhateli 19 veka: vzgliad iz nashikh dnei na vstrechu dvukh mirov.” For published excerpts from the essay, see Steiner, “Zrelishcha kvartala Yoshiwara” (The spectacle of the Yoshiwara), in Sobranie (Collection) (Fall 2008): 66–77; and Steiner,“Kartinki bystrotekuchego mira” (Images of the fleeting world), in Novy Mir (The New World) (Feb. 2010): 127–43.


I want to stress that I do not claim with 100 percent certitude that there was a full first edition of the Manga. Peter Kornicki described the Pushkin (i.e., Kitaev) Manga: “In the PSMFA Collection, besides vol. II (Album 321) (a reprint of 1878) printed from the original blocks with an introduction of a poet and novelist Rokujūen Shūjin, there are also 15 volumes of a later edition, without an introduction or colophons, collated in two volumes together bound as one.” See Kornicki et al., Katalog staropečatnych japonskich knig, p. 76 (translation into English is mine – ES). Beata Voronova showed me this edition in 2006 (bound as an orihon, or accordion book), and I recognized that it was a late edition (at that time I was not familiar with the Kornicki catalogue). There is a chance that Kitaev was wrong in thinking that his Manga was the first edition. But the manner in which the present museum authorities responsible for “doctoring” his letter addressed the situation provokes uneasy questions about their professional integrity. It is also worth noting that in 2006, a theft of more than two hundred works of art was discovered at the Hermitage; the curator of that collection was convicted for the crime. President Putin established a government commission for revision of museum collections in August 2006. Two years later, it was reported that after checking about 80 percent of approximately two thousand museums on the list (and the investigation in the biggest museums was not yet completed), about fifty thousand objects had been found missing. Some things disappeared during relocations or had been transferred to other museums without due documentation. A member of the government commission, Ilia Riasnoi, reported that “the quality of museum registry and description of museum valuables do not bear scrutiny.” According to him, “less than two million out of eighty million of objects in the Russian museum reserves have photographs next to their descriptions, and these descriptions often consist of one word.” See “Russian museums found missing 50 thousand cultural treasures” < http://lenta.ru/news/2008/07/17/museums/> (accessed July 17, 2008.) At the end of Oct. 2008 (the latest data available) this number jumped to 86,000 museum objects missing for “unknown reasons.” See < http://lenta.ru/news/2008/10/27/busygin/> (accessed Oct. 27, 2008). There are two more examples of deliberate concealment. In Kitaev’s first letter to Pavlinov of Aug. 15, 1916, the Pushkin editors excluded the page with itemized numbers of the collection, but mentioned in square brackets that there was a table with names and quantities; see the 2008 Pushkin Catalogue, vol. 2, p. 541. In the publication of a letter from Kitaev to Gorshanov of Dec. 7 (20), 1916, the data of the collection content and numbers – five and a half pages – are excluded without any explanation (see the 2008 Pushkin Catalogue, vol. 2, p. 547).


Recently the digital image of this print appeared on the site of the British Museum as a surimono of an unknown artist. (Trimmed to 39 × 54 cm, # 1902, 0212, 0.434).


Roger S. Keyes, The Art of Surimono: Privately Published Japanese Woodblock Prints and Books in the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin (London: Philip Wilson Publishers, 1985), 518, no. 148. The print in the Art Institute of Chicago (Gift of Helen C. Gunsaulus, 1954.695) measures 20.7 × 18.5 cm.


Bakumatsu no fūshiga Bōshin sensō o chūshin ni (On caricatures of the Bōshin War of the Bakumatsu era) (Machida: Machida City Museum, 1995).


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