Джон Леннон. 1980. Последние дни жизни - Кеннет Уомак

Джон Леннон. 1980. Последние дни жизни - Кеннет Уомак

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Описание онлайн-книги Джон Леннон. 1980. Последние дни жизни - Кеннет Уомак:
Правдивая, яркая, вдохновляющая и трагичная история о взлетах и падениях, творческом кризисе и воле к жизни одного из самых легендарных музыкантов XX века.Книга охватывает последний – поворотный – год жизни Джона Леннона. Этот период ознаменовался мощным творческим триумфом и возрождением музы после почти пяти лет затишья и добровольного ухода «в отставку». Автор в деталях описывает размеренную жизнь музыканта в в особняке «Дакота» после его отдаления от музыкального сообщества, подробно раскрывает его взаимоотношения с бывшими участниками The Beatles, женой Йоко Оно, и проливает свет на реальные мотивы ухода из мира музыки. И лишь незадолго до трагической гибели, при работе над альбомом Double Fantasy и его дальнейшим ошеломительным успехом, Джону Леннону удается заново раскрыть свой талант и обрести потерянное творческое «я».В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.
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Pond, Steve. “Lennon, Ono in Yesteryear”. Los Angeles Times November 30, 1980: 79.

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Riley, Tim. Lennon: The Man, the Myth, the Music. New York: Hyperion, 2011.

Rodriguez, Robert. Fab Four FAQ 2.0: The Beatles’ Solo Years, 1970–1980. Milwaukee: Backbeat, 2010.

Rogan, Johnny. Lennon: The Albums. London: Omnibus, 1982.

Roth, C.P. “My Visit with John Lennon at the Dakota”. The Huffington Post December 8, 2011, www.huffpost.com/entry/my-visit-with-johnlennon_b_1136589.

Starr, Michael Seth. Ringo: With a Little Help. Milwaukee: Backbeat, 2016.

Saunders, Allen. “Quotable Quotes”. Reader’s Digest January 1957: 32.

Schaffner, Nicholas. The Beatles Forever. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1977.

Seaman, Frederic. The Last Days of John Lennon: A Personal Memoir. New York: Birch Lane, 1991.

Shames, Laurence. “John Lennon, Where Are You?: In Search of the Beatle Who Spent Two Decades Seeking True Love and Cranial Bliss Only to Discover Cows, Daytime Television, and Palm Beach Real Estate”. Esquire November 1, 1980, classic.esquire.com/article/1980/11/1/john-lennon-where-are-you.

Sharp, Ken. Starting Over: The Making of John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s Double Fantasy. New York: Gallery, 2010.

Slate, Jeff. “Earl Slick: My 12 Greatest Recordings of All Time”. Music Radar February 26, 2013, www.musicradar.com/news/guitars/earlslick-my-12-greatest-recordings-of-all-time-571523.

Smith, Liz. “Insults, Intrigues, and Indignities”. Daily News March 23, 1980: 6.

Solt, Andrew, dir. Imagine: John Lennon. Warner Brothers, 1988.

Swanson, Dave. “That Time the Beatles Received a $230 Million Offer”. Ultimate Classic Rock September 19, 2015, ultimateclassicrock.com/beatles-turn-down-230-million-reunion-offer-september-19-1976/.

Tannenhauser, Carol. “An Optometrist Recalls Late Night Chats with John Lennon and that Awful Night”. West Side Rag December 8, 2017, www.westsiderag.com/2017/12/08/an-optometrist-recalls-late-nightchats-with-john-lennon-and-that-awful-night.

“Throwback Thursday: Fantastic Video Surfaces of the UWS in 1977”, West Side Rag December 3, 2015, www.westsiderag.com/2015/12/03/throwback-thursday-fantastic-video-surfaces-of-the-uws-in-1977.

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ГЛАВА 1. Кухонная дипломатия

1 Keith Badman, The Beatles Diary, Volume 2: After the Break-Up, 1970–2001 (London: Omnibus, 2009), pp. 643–44.

2 Dave Marsh, “Ghoulish Beatlemania: Thoughts on the Death of John Lennon”, Rolling Stone (January 22, 1981), www.rollingstone.com/ music/ music-news/ghoulish-beatlemania-thoughts-on-the-death-of-j ohnlennon-74513/.

3 Stephen Birmingham, Life at the Dakota: New York’s Most Unusual Address (New York: Open Road, 2015), p. 20.

4 Birmingham, Life at the Dakota, p. 40.

5 Birmingham, Life at the Dakota, p. 74.

6 Birmingham, Life at the Dakota, p. 79.

7 Birmingham, Life at the Dakota, p. 192.

8 Christine Haughney, “Sharing the Dakota with John Lennon”, The New York Times December 6, 2010, www.nytimes.com/2010/12/07/ nyregion/07appraisal.html.

9 Rosaura Lopéz Lorenzo, En Casa de John Lennon (Coruña: Hércules Ediciones, 2005), p. 35.

10 Interview with Jim Ryan and Susan Ratisher Ryan, November 2, 2019.

11 Peter Goddard, “A Crowd of People Stood and Stared: Remembering John Lennon”, The Star December 9, 2010, www.thestar.com/entertainment/music/2010/12/09/a_crowd_of_people_stood_and_stared_re-membering_john_lennon.html; Carol Tannenhauser, “An Optometrist Recalls Late Night Chats with John Lennon and that Awful Night”. West Side Rag December 8, 2017, www.westsiderag.com/2017/12/08/an-optometrist-recalls-late-night-chats-with-john-lennon-and-that-awfulnight.

12 Lorenzo, En Casa de John Lennon, p. 10; Chet Flippo, “The Private Years”, The Ballad of John and Yoko, ed. Jonathan Cott and Christine Doudna (New York: Rolling Stone, 1982), p. 178; Alex Williams, “Rex Reed Bangs a Gong on the Mediocrity of Modern Life”, The New York Times January 10, 2010, www.nytimes.com/2018/01/10/style/who-is-rex-reed.html.

13 Frederic Seaman, The Last Days of John Lennon: A Personal Memoir (New York: Birch Lane, 1991), p. 83.

14 Seaman, The Last Days of John Lennon, p. 83.

15 Interview with Jim Ryan and Susan Ratisher Ryan, November 2, 2019.

16 John Lennon and Yoko Ono, All We Are Saying: The Last Major Interview with John Lennon and Yoko Ono, interview by David Sheff, ed. G. Barry Golson (New York: Griffin, 2000), p. 82.

17 George Martin, “‘They Were My Boys, the Greatest in the World’: An Interview with George Martin (1993)”, interview by Bill DeYoung, January 3, 2016, www.billdeyoung.com/tag/george-martin-beatles/.

18 George Martin with William Pearson, With a Little Help from My Friends: The Making of Sgt. Pepper (Boston: Little, Brown, 1994), p. 24; Philip Norman, John Lennon: The Life (London: Ecco, 2008), p. 783.

ГЛАВА 2. «Дакотцы»

19 Birmingham, Life at the Dakota, pp. 147–48.

20 Sara Cedar Miller, Strawberry Fields: Central Park’s Memorial to John Lennon (New York: Abrams, 2011), p. 39.

21 Jeannine Jones, “A Writer Shares 1980s UWS Memories and Asks for Yours”, West Side Rag November 24, 2013, www.westsiderag.com/2013/11/24/ a-writer-shares-1980s-uws-memories-and-asks-for-yours; “Throwback Thursday: Fantastic Video Surfaces of the UWS in 1977”, West Side Rag December 3, 2015, www.westsiderag.com/2015/12/03/throwback-thursday-fantastic-video-surfaces-of-the-uws-in-1977.

22 Tannenhauser, “An Optometrist Recalls Late Night Chats with John Lennon and that Awful Night”;

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