Маркетинг менеджмент. Экспресс-курс - Кевин Келлер
- Дата:20.06.2024
- Категория: Бизнес / Управление, подбор персонала
- Название: Маркетинг менеджмент. Экспресс-курс
- Автор: Кевин Келлер
- Просмотров:6
- Комментариев:0
Ряд определений приведен в: Dictionary of Marketing Terms , ed. Peter D. Bennett (Chicago: American Marketing Association, 1995). См. также: Patrick E. Murphy and Ben M. Enis, «Classifying Products Strategically», Journal of Marketing (July 1986): 24—42.
Российские маркетологи называют этот показатель насыщенностью ассортимента. Примеч. науч. ред.
Robert Bordley, «Determining the Appropriate Depth and Breadth of a Firm’s Product Portfolio», Journal of Marketing Research 40 (February 2003): Peter Boatwright and Joseph C. Nunes, «Reducing Assortment: An Attribute-Based Approach», Journal of Marketing 65 (July 2001): 50—63.
Peter Sanders, «Cool at the Lower End», Wall Street Journal , June 6, 2005, p. B1; Michael Martinez, «Hotel Chains Complete in a Bid to Provide the Comfiest Night’s Sleep», San Jose Mercury News , June 27, 2005 (www.mercurynews.com).
Seth Goldin, «In Praise of Purple Cows», Fast Company , February 2003, pp. 74—85.
Susan B. Bassin, «Value-Added Packaging Cuts Through Store Clutter», Marketing News , September 26, 1988, p. 21.
«Tetra Pak, A Supplier of Food and Beverage Processing and Packaging Systems», Machine Design , May 5, 2005, p. 53.
Siva K. Balasubramanian and Catherine Cole, «Consumers’ Search and Use of Nutrition Information: The Challenge and Promise of the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act», Journal of Marketing 66 (July 2002): 112—127; John C. Kozup, Elizabeth H. Creyer, and Scot Burton, «Making Healthful Food Choices: The Influence of Health Claims and Nutrition Information on Consumers’ Evaluations of Packaged Food Products and Restaurant Menu Items», Journal of Marketing 67 (April 2003): 19—34.
Jason Stein, «10-year Mitsubishi Warranty Is Small Part of a Larger Plan», Automotive News , January 12, 2004, p. 16.
«More Firms Pledge Guaranteed Service», Wall Street Journal, July 17, 1991, pp. B1, B6; Barbara Ettore, «Phenomenal Promises Mean Business», Management Review (March 1994): 18—23; Christopher W. L. Hart, Extraordinary Guarantees (New York: Amacom, 1993); Sridhar Moorthy and Kannan Srinivasan, «Signaling Quality with a Money-Back Guarantee: The Role of Transaction Costs», Marketing Science 14, no. 4 (1995): 442—446.
Krissana Parnsoonthorn, «Service Guarantee Offered», Bangkok Post , July 8, 2005 (www. bangkokpost.com).
New Product Management for the 1980s (New York: Booz, Allen & Hamilton, 1982).
Clayton M. Christensen, The Innovator’s Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail (Boston: Harvard University Press, 1997).
Ely Dahan and John R. Hauser, «Product Development: Managing a Dispersed Process», in Handbook of Marketing , edited by Bart Weitz and Robin Wensley (London: Sage Publications, 2002), pp. 179—222.
Deloitte and Touche, «Vision in Manufacturing Study», Deloitte Consulting and Kenan-Flagler Business School, March 6, 1998; A. C. Nielsen, «New Product Intriduction – Successful Innovation/Failure: Fragile Boundary», A. C. Nielsen BASES and Ernst & Young Global Client Consulting, June 24, 1999.
Robert G. Cooper and Elko J. Kleinschmidt, New Products: The Key Factors in Success (Chicago: American Marketing Association, 1990).
Robert G. Cooper and Elko J. Kleinschmidt, New Products: The Key Factors in Success (Chicago: American Marketing Association, 1990).
Ely Dahan and John R. Hauser, «Product Development: Managing a Dispersed Process», in Handbook of Marketing , edited by Bart Weitz and Robin Wensley (London: Sage Publications, 2002), pp. 179—222.
John Hauser and Gerald J. Tellis, «Research on Innovation: A Review and Agenda for Marketing», 2004, working paper, M.I.T.
«The Ultimate Widget: 3-D “Printing” May Revolutionize Product Design and Manufacturing», U.S. News & World Report , July 20, 1992, p. 55.
Дополнительную информацию вы можете найти в работе: Paul E. Green and V. Srinivasan, «Conjoint Analysis in Marketing: New Developments with Applications for Research and Practice», Journal of Marketing (October 1990): 3–19; Dick R. Wittnick, Marko Vriens, and Wim Burhenne, «Commercial Uses of Conjoint Analysis in Europe: Results and Critical Reflections», International Journal of Research in Marketing (January 1994): 41—52; Jordan J. Louviere, David A. Hensher and Joffre D. Swait, Stated Choice Models: Analysis and Applications (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000).
David B. Hertz, «Risk Analysis in Capital Investment», Harvard Business Review (January–February 1964): 96–106.
John Hauser, «House of Quality», Harvard Business Review (May–June 1988): 63—73; Lawrence R. Guinta, and Nancy C. Praizler, The QFD Book: The Team Approach to Solving Problems and Satisfying Customers Through Quality Function Deployment (New York: AMACOM, 1993); V. Srinivasan, William S. Lovejoy, and David Beach, «Integrated Product Design for Marketability and Manufacturing», Journal of Marketing Research (February 1997): 154—163.
Tom Peters, The Circle of Innovation (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1997) p. 96; Mark Borden, «Keeping Yahoo Simple – and Fast», Fortune , January 10, 2000, pp. 167—168; Rajesh Sethi, «New Product Quality and Product Development Teams», Journal of Marketing (April 2000): 1–14.
Philip Kotler and Gerald Zaltman, «Targeting Prospects for a New Product», Journal of Advertising Research (February 1976): 7–20.
Подробности приведены в работе: Keith G. Lockyer, Critical Path Analysis and Other Project Network Techniques (London: Pitman, 1984); Arvind Rangaswamy and Gary L. Lilien, «Software Tools for New Product Development», Journal of Marketing Research (February 1997): 177—184.
Этот раздел опирается на результаты исследований, приведенные в работе: Everett M. Rogers, Diffusion of Innovations (New York: Free Press, 1962). См. также 3-е издание этой книги, опубликованное в 1983 г.
Hubert Gatigton and Thomas S. Robertson, «A Propositional Inventory for New Diffusion Research», Journal of Consumer Research (March 1985): 849—867; Vijay Mahajan, Eitan Muller and Frank M. Bass, «Diffusion of New Proucts: Empirical Generalizations and Managerial Uses», Marketing Science , 14, no. 3, part 2 (1995): G79–G89; Fareena Sultan, John U. Farley, and Donald R. Lehmann, «Reflection on “A Meta-Analysis of Applications of Diffusion Models”», Journal of Marketing Research (May 1996): 247—249; Minhi Hahn, Sehoon Park, and Andris A. Zoltners, «Analysis of New Product Diffusion Using a Four-Segment Trial-Repeat Model», Marketing Science , 13, no. 3 (1994): 224—247.
Ряд авторов выделяет дополнительные стадии. Ч. Уоссон предлагает включить между ростом и зрелостью стадию бурной конкуренции: Chester R. Wasson, Dynamic Competitive Strategy and Product Life Cycles (Austin, TX: Austin Press, 1978). Зрелость характеризует стадию спада увеличения объема продаж и насыщение, стадию выхода кривой продаж на плато после достижения пика.
Robert D. Buzzell, «Competitive Behavior and Product Life Cycles», in New Ideas for Successful Marketing , edited by John S. Wright and Jack Goldstucker (Chicago: American Marketing Association, 1956), p. 51.
Rajesh J. Chandy, Gerald J. Tellis, Deborah J. MacInnis, and Pattana Thaivanich, «What to Say When: Advertising Appeals in Evolving Markets», Journal of Marketing Research 38 (November 2001: 399—414.
Steven P. Schnaars, Managing Imitation Strategies (New York: Free Press, 1994).
Gerald Tellis and Peter Golder, Will & Vision: How Latecomers Can Grow to Dominate Markets (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001).
Stephen M. Nowlis and Itamar Simmonson, «The Effect of New Product Features on Brand Choice», Journal of Marketing Research (February 1996): 36—46.
Kathryn Rudie Harrigan, «Strategies for Declining Industries», Journal of Business Strategy (Fall 1980): 27.
«Quaker Take Heart Instant Oatmeal», Nutraceuticals World , March 2005, p. 139; «Hot Cereal in One Hot Commodity», Prepared Foods, January 2000.
Philip Kotler, «Harvesting Strategies for Weak Products», Business Horizons , August 1978, pp. 15—22; Laurence P. Feldman and Albert L. Page, «Harvesting: The Misunderstood Market Exit Strategy», Journal of Business Strategy (Spring 1985): 79—85.
Jeff D. Opdyke, «Family Finance: Consumers Increasingly Use Internet to Price Auto Insurance», Wall Street Journal , May 25, 2005, p. D2; Lynna Goch, «Gearing Up: Insurers Are Using Driver Safety Programs, Sharply Focused Advertising, and the Internet to Court Teen Drivers», Best’s Review , October 2003, pp. 20+; Christоpher Oster, «Car Insurers Get Into the Repair Business», Wall Street Journal, April 8, 2003, p. D1; «In Brief: Progressive Leads Performance List», American Banker , March 30, 2004, p. 9 (www.progressive.com).
Valarie A. Zeithaml, «How Customer Evaluation Processes Differ Between Goods and Services», in J. Donnelly and W.R. George, eds., Marketing of Services , (Chicago: American Marketing Association, 1981), pp. 186–90.
Amy Ostrom and Dawn Iacobucci, «Consumer Trade-offs and the Evaluation of Services», Journal of Marketing (January 1995): 17—28.
Theodore Levitt, «Marketing Intangible Products and Product Intangibles», Harvard Business Review (May–June 1981): 94–102; Leonard L. Berry, «Services Marketing Is Different», Business , May–June 1980, pp. 24—30.
B. H. Booms and M. J. Bitner, «Marketing Strategies and Organizational Structures for Service Firms», in J. Donnelly and W. R. George, eds., Marketing of Services (Chicago: American Marketing Association, 1981), pp. 47—51.
Lewis P. Carbone and Stephаn H. Haeckel, «Engineering Customer Experiences», Marketing Management 3 (Winter 1994): 17.
- Complete-менеджмент (целостность мышления и практики менеджера). Часть 1. Целостный метод менеджера - Марат Телемтаев - Управление, подбор персонала
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